tirsdag den 22. marts 2011

Khalas Mixtape vol. 1 - Mish Baeed

Info: En hilsen til det revolutionære nordafrika. Mixtape fra to libyere i USA med kunstnere fra Egypten, Libyen, Algeriet og Tunesien - og klare budskaber mod de diktatorer, som oprøret er vendt mod.

Absolut aktuel hip hop på arabisk.

Info: A salute to the revolutionary north africa. Mixtape made by two America Libyans with artists from Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Tunisia- and a clear message against the dictators who are facing the rebellion.

Highly contemporary hip-hop in Arabic.

1. Ibn Thabit - Al-So'aal (The Question)
2. Ibn Thabit - Yassir (Enough)
3. Ibn Thabit - Hadef Al-Assasi
4. Lotfi Double Kanon - 7oukouma
5. Lotfi Double Kanon - Rissala
6. Revolution Records - Wa2t El Thawrageya
7. Ahmed Rock ( Revolution Records ) - Mamno3 Mn El Ta3'eer
8. Mohamed Ali Ben Jemaa - Ana Fhemtkoum
9. Ramy Donjewan - Ded El 7koma
10. El General/Mr. Shooma - Ta7ya Tounes
11. El General - Tounes Bledna
12. El General - Rayes Lebled

Country: North Africa
Year: 2011

Se og hør meget mere fra den arabiske revolutions soundtrack hos Korrespondenterne


søndag den 13. marts 2011

VA - Warschwawjanka / A las Barricadas / Auf die Barrikaden Graa Blog Collection

Info: På en eller anden måde er det lykkes Graa Blog at passere de første 100 indlæg - og det markeres i dette og de efterfølgende 10 indlæg, der både musikalsk og emnemæssigt stritter i alle retninger, helt som Graa Blog bedst kan lide det.

For Graa Blog er sangen, der har fået æren af indlæg # 101, den måske smukkeste klassiske kampsang der findes - og med en uforlignelig historie. Melodien bag“Warschawjanka” aka “A las Barricadas” aka “Auf die barrikaden” menes at stamme fra 1871 og udsprang af Pariserkommunen, et vendepunkt i den moderne socialismes historie, som kan markere sin 140 årsdag i de kommende måneder. Melodien fik siden en polsk tekst i 1905 og blev endnu senere en af de helt store hits under Den Spanske Borgerkrig, hvor ikke mindst de libertære socialister tog kampråbet A las Barricadas til sig.

Her kommer 32 stærkt varierede varianter af sangen. Oldgamle og ganske nye; punk, klassisk, jazz, rock og herrekor på adskillige sprog.

Info: Somehow Graa Blog has succeeded in passing the first 100 messages - which is celebrated in this and the subsequent 10 posts, which are both musically and thematically pointing in all directions, just as Gra Blog likes it.

For Graa Blog the song that has received the honor of being post # 101 is perhaps the most beautiful classic battle song available - and with an incomparable history. The melody "Warschawjanka" aka "A las Barricadas" aka "Auf die barrikadea" is believed to originate from 1871 and grew out of the Paris Commune, a turning point in modern socialist history that can mark its 140 anniversary in the coming months. The melody since had a Polish text in 1905 and was even later one of the biggest hits during the Spanish Civil War, not least for the libertarian socialists, who took the battle cry A las Barricadas.

Here are 32 highly varied versions of the song. Ancient and very new, punk, classical, jazz, rock and Male Chorus in several languages.

1. Ades - A las Barricadas
2. Anarkistiske kunstnere - A las Barricadas
3. Bandista - Haydi Barikata
4. Brigada Bravo - A Las Barricadas
5. Canallas - A las barricadas
6. Cisco - A las barricadas
7. CNT - A las Barricadas (Original)
8. CNT-AIT (exilio confederal) - A las barricadas!
9. Commandantes - Auf die Barrikaden
10. Coro anios 30 - A las Barricadas
11. Coro Er - A las Barricadas
12. DDR - Auf die barrikaden (Warschawjanka)
13. Forskellige kunstnere - Warschawjanka [Blåblusenkören]
14. Geigerzähler - Auf die Barikaden
15. George Fenton - Opening Credits: Land And Freedom
16. I Know - Warschawianka 2007
17. The Joseph Boys - Auf Die Barrikaden
18. Kamil Barczewski - Salyut, Ispaniya (Salute to Spain), Op. 44: Anon.: A las barricadas
19. Ketesnuko - A las Barricadas
20. La Varsoviana - A las Barricadas
21. Lendvai-Chor mit Orchesterbegleitung - Warschawjanka
22. Les amis d'ta femme & Les Fils de teuhpu - A Las Barricadas
23. Les Anarchistes - A Las Barricadas
24. Libertarias - A las Barricadas
25. Los Muertos de Cristo - A las barricadas
26. Lucie Reno, Jean-Paul Autin, Jean Bolcato, Michel Boiton, Je - A las barricadas
27. Mike Mowry - A las Barricadas
28. Muertos de Cristo - A las Barricadas
29. Quico Pi de la Serra - A las barricadas
30. Resistencia Activa - A las Barricadas
31. Serge Utgé-Royo - A las barricadas
32. Various Artists - Auf die barrikaden (Varshavjanka)

Country: International
Year: 1871 - 2011 (and forever)

Check out this one too.


VA - The Complete Drinking Collection

Info: Endnu en kæmpe samling sange, der mere er med som følge af Graa Blogs fest for de første 100 indlæg, end fordi den flyder over med politiske holdninger. Budskabet er til gengæld ikke til at gå fejl af: Skal der være fest, så gå på druk.

Øl, whiskey, øl, vin, schnaps, øl, vodka, øl, øl, øl og øl - tilsat støjende musik af betydelig kvalitet.

Info: Another huge collection of songs that appears more as a result of Graa Blogs celebration for the first 100 postings than because its political - in any sense. The message is in turn not to go wrong: Want to party? Get drunk!

Beer, whiskey, beer, wine, Schnaps, beer, vodka, beer, beer, bourbon, beer and beer - added noisy music of noticeable quality.

001 - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Another Drinkin' Song
002 - Street Dogs - Tobe's Got A Drinkin' Problem
003 - The Business - Drinking and Driving
004 - Nuke & The Living Dead - Brew Crew
005 - Jake Burns - Half Past Dead
006 - The Pietasters - Drunken Master
007 - The Tossers - GoodMornin' Da'
008 - The Real McKenzies - 10,000 Shots
009 - Bouncing Souls - Bulling the Jukebox
010 - Buford O'Sullivan - I Can't Decide
011 - Skoidats - Happy Drunk
012 - U.S. Bombs - Cheers
013 - Hub City Stompers - Trojan Night
014 - Secretions - Faster Than The Speed OF Drunk
015 - Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
016 - The Pogues - Sally MacLennane
017 - Sham 69 - Hurry Up Harry
018 - The Clash - Rudie Can't Fail
019 - Dropkick Murphys - Barroom Hero
020 - Street Dogs - Drink Tonite
021 - Black Flag - Six Pack
022 - Pist-N-Broke - Out With The Boys
023 - Great Big Sea - Drunken Sailor
024 - Against Me! - Pints Of Guinness Make You Strong
025 - Social Distortion - Sick Boys
026 - Rancid - Old Friend
027 - Dropkick Murphys - Alcohol
028 - The Bruisers - Raise Yer Glass
029 - Cock Sparrer - Argy Bargy
030 - The Business - Guinness Boys
031 - Bouncing Souls - Manthem
032 - Flogging Molly - The Seven Deadly Sins
033 - The Pogues - Fiesta
034 - Planet Smashers - Life of the Party
035 - The Tossers - Whiskey Makes Me Crazy
036 - FlatFoot 56 - Battle Of Bones
037 - The Red Shift - Schotzie
038 - NOFX - The Brews
039 - Lars & The Bastards - My Life to Live
040 - The Clash - Cheat
041 - Darkbuster - Skinhead
042 - The Real McKenzies - Drink Some More
043 - Dropkick Murphys - Caps and Bottles
044 - The Vandals - That's My Girl
045 - Secretions - Boner
046 - Sublime - 40oz. To Freedom
047 - Hub City Stompers - Johnny Date Rape
048 - The Tossers - No Loot, No Booze, No Fun
049 - Flogging Molly - Selfish Man
050 - The Pietasters - Out All Night
051 - Nuke & The Living Dead - Drunk On Formaldehyde
052 - Social Distortion - Born To Lose
053 - Nuke - 2 A.M
054 - Dropkick Murphys - Good Rats
055 - The Pubcrawlers - All For Me Grog
056 - The HandMeDowns - 25 Hour Store
057 - The Briggs - Ship Of Fools
058 - The Bruisers - Brown Paper Bag
059 - King Size Braces - Beer
060 - Ducky Boys - Celebrate
061 - Street Dogs - Kevin J. O'Toole
062 - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Reason To Toast
063 - Far From Finished - The Bastard's Way
064 - Sublime - Rivers Of Babylon
065 - Dropkick Murphys - Boys On The Docks
066 - Flogging Molly - Float
067 - The Pogues - Billy's Bones
068 - Jake Burns - Drinkin Again
069 - Hub City Stompers - Leave Me The Fuck Alone
070 - Buck-O-Nine - Irish Drinking Song
071 - The Pietasters - Fat Sack
072 - Darkbuster - Rudy
073 - Gogol Bordello - Start Wearing Purple
074 - The Specials - Too Much Too Young
075 - The Real McKenzies - Shit Outta Luck
076 - U.S. Bombs - Heartbreak Motel
077 - Social Distortion - Story Of My Life
078 - Hepcat - Hooligans
079 - Dr. Ring-Ding - One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer
080 - Inspecter 7 - Skoochie's Ruin
081 - Wesley Willis - Drink That Whiskey
082 - Secretions - Ramen and a 40
083 - Rancid - Journey to the end of the East Bay
084 - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Rascal King
085 - Skoidats - Beer, Beer, Beer
086 - U.K. Subs - Party In Paris
087 - The Tossers - Buckets Of Beer
088 - The Wretched Ones - Going Down The Bar
089 - Dropkick Murphys - The Gang's All Here
090 - Darkbuster - Pub
091 - Cock Sparrer - Bats Out
092 - King Size Braces - Let's Get Pissed
093 - The Real McKenzies - Whiskey Scotch Whiskey
094 - The Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
095 - Dropkick Murphys - Wild Rover
096 - The Bloody Irish Boys - Drink, Drink, Drink
097 - The Tossers - Finnegan's Wake
098 - The Pogues - Streams Of Whiskey
099 - Dee Dee King - 2 Much 2 Drink
100 - Argy Bargy - One More Drink
101 - Dropkick Murphys - The Dirty Glass
102 - Flogging Molly - Salty Dog
103 - The Toasters - Don't Let The Bastards Grind You
104 - The Specials - A Message To You Rudy
105 - The Busters - Drinking in the Pubs
106 - Hub City Stompers - Ordinary Guy
107 - The Misfits - Braineaters
108 - The Ramones - Somebody Put Something in My Drink
109 - The Welch Boys - Drinking Angry
110 - The Real McKenzies - Drink The Way I Do
111 - King Size Braces - Drink Till You Fuckin Puke
112 - Flogging Molly - Black Friday Rule
113 - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Favorite Records
114 - The Suicide Machines - Goodbye for Now
115 - The Tossers - Never Enough
116 - Lars & The Bastards - The Viking
117 - Ducky Boys - Stand By Me
118 - Street Dogs - 2 Bottles
119 - Dropkick Murphys - Kiss Me I'm Shitfaced
120 - Wesley Willis - The Bar is Closed

Country: International
Year: ?

Download hos Milistanzmusik

VA - Short Music for Short People

Info: Strengt taget ikke en videre politisk plade, men passende nu da Graa Blog markerer sit indlæg nummer 100. Short Music for Short People er, som navnet antyder, en samling på 101 sange, der hver især varer omkring de 30 sekunder. Så det går stærkt på mere end en måde....

Kort og godt: Punk på den korte måde..

Info: Strictly speaking not a political record, but appropriate now that Graa Blog celebrates its posting number 100. Short Music for Short People is, as the name implies, a collection of 101 songs, each of which lasts about 30 seconds. So everything here goes fast.

In short: Punk in the short way.

1. Fizzy Bangers - Short Attention Span
2. Less Than Jake - Anchor
3. Teen Idols - Ketchup Soup
4. Terrorgruppe - All Cops Are Bastards
5. Good Riddance - Overcoming Learned Behavior
6. Chixdiggit - Quit Your Job
7. The Living End - Ready
8. Bad Religion - Out of Hand
9. Hi-Standard - Asian Pride
10. Aerobitch - Steamroller Blues
11. Nerf Herder - Doin' Laundry
12. Bigwig - Freegan
13. Undeclinable Ambuscade - Not Again
14. Fury 66 - Waste Away (Clements/Crowen/Dunegan/Haberman/Frady)
15. The Ataris - The Radio Still Sucks
16. Unwritten Law - Armageddon Singalong
17. AFI - Hearts Frozen Solid, Thawed Once More by the Spring of Rage, Despair, and Hopelessness
18. Dillinger Four - Farts Are Jazz to Assholes
19. Spread - Surf City
20. Swingin' Utters - Back to You
21. The Bar Feeders - Outhouse of Doom
22. Citizen Fish - Alienation
23. blink-182 - Family Reunion
24. Goober Patrol - Mirror, Signal, Wheelspin
25. Killswitch - Saturday Night
26. Enemy You - Bedroom Windows
27. No Use for a Name - Sara Fisher
28. Green Day- The Ballad of Wilhelm Fink
29. Consumed - Delraiser Part III: Del on Earth
30. The Mr. T Experience - Told You Once
31. Lagwagon - Randal Gets Drunk
32. GWAR - Fishfuck
33. The Dickies - Howdy Doody in the Woodshed
34. Samiam - Long Enough to Forget You
35. Dogpiss - Erik Sandin's Stand-In
36. 59 Times the Pain - We Want The Kids
37. Bracket - Warren's Song Part 8
38. Nomeansno - No Fgcnuik
39. Descendents - I Like Food
40. Dance Hall Crashers - Triple Track
41. Guttermouth - Don Camero Lost His Mind
42. Limp - X-99 (Limp)
43. Jughead's Revenge - Faust
44. Circle Jerks - Deny Everything
45. The Offspring - Hand Grenades
46. Mad Caddies - Mike Booted Our First Song, So We Recorded This One Instead
47. The Criminals - Union Yes
48. Screeching Weasel - Dirty Needles
49. One Man Army - 300 Miles
50. Strung Out - Klawsterfobia
51. Youth Brigade - You Don't Know Shit (Youth Brigade)
52. Groovie Ghoulies - Doin' Fine
53. Tilt - John for the Working Man
54. Spazz - A Prayer for the Complete and Utter Eradication of All Generic Pop-Punk
55. The Damned - It's a Real Time Thing
56. 88 Fingers Louie - All My Friends Are in Popular Bands
57. D.O.A. - I Hate Puck Rock
58. Pulley - Fun
59. The Vandals - To All the Kids
60. Pennywise - 30 Seconds Till The End of the World
61. No Fun At All - Get a Grip
62. Sick of it All - Blatty (Human Egg)
63. ALL - I Got None
64. NOFX - See Her Pee
65. 7 Seconds - F.O.F.O.D. (Kevin Seconds)
66. Rancid - Blacklisted
67. Diesel Boy - Chandeliers and Souvenirs
68. Adrenalin O.D. - Your Kung Fu is Old...and Now You Must Die!!!
69. Frenzal Rhomb - My Pants Keep Falling Down
70. The Queers - I Hate Your Fucking Guts
71. D.I. - Comin' to Your Town
72. Black Flag - Spray Paint
73. White Flag - Rage Against the Machine Are Capitalist Phonies
74. Anti-Flag - Bring it to an End
75. Avail - Not a Happy Man (Davis White)
76. The Real McKenzies - Old Mrs. Cuddy
77. Agnostic Front - Traitor
78. Down by Law - Life Rules 101 (Dave Smalley)
79. Radio Days - Wake Up
80. Useless ID - Too Bad You Don't Get It
81. Poison Idea - Humanity
82. Men O' Steel - In Your Head
83. Subhumans - Supermarket Forces
84. Buckwild - Tribute to the Mammal
85. Lunachicks - Pretty Houses
86. Dwarves - The Band That Wouldn't Die
87. The Bouncing Souls - Like a Fish in Water
88. The Almighty Trigger Happy - Turn it Up
89. One Hit Wonder - Madam's Apple (Dan Root/Daniel Gadbury)
90. Hotbox - Staggering (Mel Chappell)
91. 20% - DMV
92. Snuff - Big Fat Skinhead
93. The Muffs - Pimmel (Kim Shattuck)
94. H2O - Mr. Brett, Please Put Down Your Gun
95. Bodyjar - Wake Up
96. Nicotine - Eyez
97. Satanic Surfers - Another Stale Cartoon
98. Ten Foot Pole - I Don't Mind
99. Caustic Soda - Welcome to Dumpsville, Population: You
100. The Misfits - NY Ranger
101. Wizo - The Count

Country: USA
Year: 1999

VA - About time to Go Vegan

Info: Graa Blog har mange gæster fra det vegetariske og veganske miljø, der ikke mindst kommer efter Ingen fucking kød i mit køkken, men som også lader sig friste af andre af Graa Blogs tilbud. Så her er en særlig hilsen til alle veganere og vegetarer på Graa Blog. Kan dog også nydes af andre.

Ikke kun, men især punk - uden kød, men med masser af protein.

Info: Graa Blog have a lot of guests from the vegetarian and vegan environment who not least comes for No fucking meat in my kitchen, but also let themselves be temptedby other Graa Blogs offer. So here is a special greeting to all vegans and vegetarians on Graa Blog. Others might be enjoyed too.

Not only, but especially punk - without meat but with plenty of protein.

01 - Consolidated - Meat, Meat, Meat And Meat
02 - Earth Crisis - All Out War
03 - Gorilla Biscuits - Cats And Dogs
04 - Foeknawledge - Knowledge Is Key
06 - Reprisal - Once We're Vegan
07 - Refused - The Slayer
08 - The Ukrainians - M'yaso Ubivstvo (Meat Is Murder)
09 - Propagandhi - Purina Hall Of Fame
10 - Dead Prez - Be Healthy
11 - Promoe - Fast Food World (feat. Cosmic & Bushman)
12 - Flux Of Pink Indians - Sick Butchers
13 - Good Clean Fun - Vegan Revolution Draft Dodger Anthem
14 - Mob 47 - Animal Liberation
15 - Saidiwas - Punk Rock Revolution
16 - Spazz - Animal Liberation Now!
17 - Universal Poplab - Vampire In You
18 - Battle Of Disarm - Boycott Meat
19 - I-Spy - Sixty Billion Served
20 - Mainstrike - Death Factory
21 - Freya - Struggle To Survive
22 - Antagonist - Show Some Heart (Go Vegan)
23 - Abhinanda - Meat Is Murder
24 - Blaggers I.T.A. - Meat
25 - Silverchair - Spawn Again
26 - Consolidated - The Sexual Politics Of Meat
27 - Promoe - Fit You Haffi Fit
28 - Outlast - Taste Of Flesh
29 - Purusam - Christmas, Bloody Christmas
30 - Junto - Love Your Friends
31 - Sista Sekunden - Vi Och Dom
32 - Earth Crisis - New Ethic
33 - Shelter - Civilized Man
34 - 108 - Killer Of The Soul
35 - Separation - On Their Behalf
36 - The Smiths - Meat Is Murder
37 - Refused - Jag Äter Inte Mina Vänner (feat. Tomas Di Leva)
38 - Propagandhi - Nailing Descartes To The Wall (Liquid) Meat Is Still Murder
39 - Good Riddance - Waste
40 - Resist And Exist - Everylast Life
41 - Los Fastidios - Animal Liberation
42 - Into Another - Herbivore
43 - End In Sight - The Truth Is Out There
44 - Youth Of Today - No More
45 - Conflict - This Is The A.L.F.

Country: International
Year: 2006
Mere om: Vegetarkontakt (dansk)
Mere om: Vegan.org (engelsk)

Download + part2 + part3

VA - Rhythm And Politics - The Revolution

Info: Hvis tysk hip hop er Graa Blog’s rygrad, er danske udgivelser fra undergrunden Graa Blog’s fundament. Det er derfor med fornøjelse, at Graa Blog kan præsentere det københavnske hip hop crew Rap ‘n Skralde, der nu i et par år har budt på stribevis af vellykkede koncerter og fester i Ungdomshuset og givet den venstreorienterede danske hip hop scene ny luft og plads. Og altså også cd-udgivelser med en række primært nye up-coming navne. Cd nr. 2 udkom for nyligt og kommer snart her på Graa Blog. Men Rap 'n Skralde vol. 1 holder helt sikker stadig, og kan klart anbefales!

Hip hop på mange måder, med kant og holdning - og på dansk.

Info: If German hip hop is the backbone of Graa Blog, then Danish undergroundreleases is Graa Blog's foundation. It is therefore with great pleasure that Graa Blog can present the Copenhagen hip hop crew Rap 'n Skralde, who now in a couple of years has featured scores of successful concerts and festivals in Ungdomshuset and has given the leftist Danish hip hop scene new air and space. Thus also CD releases with a number of primarily new and up-coming names. CD No. 2 was released recently and is coming soon here at Graa Blog. But Rap 'n Skralde vol. 1 is still highly recommended!

Hip hop in many ways, with edge and attitude - and in Danish.

1. Rødrebel - Hvor Er De?
2. Fabelyd - Vågn Op
3. Leon MC - Yo Folks
4. Red Eyes - Organized Revolution
5. MC Staten - Ingen Stress
6. Chewbacca & Banner - Pengetræt
7. Looney Teknik - 4 7 17
8. Klaes - Det' Indlysende Klart
9. Kanylemassakren - Vil Du Dø For Dit Liv?
10. Matias Skywalker - Lad Os
11. Kammertonen - Mærkevare
12. Ren Reflex feat. Wayna Rap & Ali Sufi - La Union De La Revolucion
13. Illusionisten - Til Sidste Mand
14. Skæve Toner - Gi' Mig Luft
15. Combo - Igennem Min Optik
16. Humme & Jonesey - Neo Neo
17. M-CNATET - Den Forbudte By
18. Son of Sun, Wendy Wonder & The Geist - Revolution
19. Sort Stue - XXX(K)ærlig...Fyr...Søger...(S)ærlige...DyrXXX

Country: Denmark
Year: 2009

Mere om: Rap 'n Skralde


La Resistance - Resistance

Info: Tysk venstreorienteret hip hop har fra dag 1 været rygraden i Graa Blog og er en af de vigtigste grunde til, at Graa Blog så dagens lys. Så en fest for de 100 første indlæg, vil ikke være komplet uden et kvalificeret indspark fra den scene - og til det er La Resistance særdeles velegnet. Nok det bedste politiske hip hop album fra Tyskland i 2009 og ikke så overraskende, for La Resistance er lidt af en supergruppe med nogle af de stærkeste navne i tysk progreesiv hip hop. Så giv den op for Chaoze One, Lotta, Microphone Mafia, Anarchist Academy, Callya m.fl - og giv den op for La Resistance.

Hip Hop af høj, høj klasse - på tysk.

Info: German leftist hip hop has from day 1 been the backbone of Graa Blog and is one of the main reasons why Graa Blog was established. So, a celebration of the first 100 postings would not be complete without a qualified input from the scene - and for that La Resistance is ideal. Probably the best political hip hop album from Germany in 2009 and not so surprisingly, for La Resistance is somewhat of a supergroup with several of the strongest names in German progressive hip hop. So give it up for Chaoze One, Lotta, Microphone Mafia, Anarchist Academy, Callya and others - and give it up for LaResistance.

First class Hip Hop - in German.

01 Wir machen das
02 La Resistance
03 Ich brauche
04 One love
05 Heimat
06 Nur eine Nummer
07 Wofür es sich lohnt
08 I who have nothing
09 Kein Platz in der Stadt
10 Mensch aus Glas
11 Zapatistas der Großstadt
12 Jetzt und hier
13 Alienbesuch
14 Mi gusta la vida
15 Ohne mich

Country: Germany
Year: 2009

Mere om: La Resistance

(pw: turn-left)

Fils du Béton - Symphonie Pirate

Info: Mens der ventes på Keny Arkanas kommende nye album, er det værd at huske, at fransk hip hop heldigvis har andet at byde på. Som fx betondrengen Khalifrat, der på Symphonie Pirate giver det franske samfund set fra bunden en række hårde hug. Og samtidigt Graa Blog’s hilsen til de seje festpirater i København.

Vred fransk hip hop.

Info: While waiting for Keny Arkana’s forthcoming new album, it's worth remembering that French hip hop fortunately has more to offer. Such as the concrete boy Khalifrat who at ‘Symphonie Pirate’ gives French society as seen from the bottom a series of hardblows. And at the same time Graa Blog's nod to the cool party pirates in Copenhagen.
Angry French hip hop. 

1. Intro
2. Movaise Hogure
3. Accusé Déception
4. Bébés Tchernobyl
5. Reseaux Clandestins
6. Interlude Khalifrat
7. V comme Vendetta
8. Comme un Camé en pleine Descente
9. Les Gens La Nuit
10. Interlude Arracheurs de Bitume
11. Anti Matrice
12. Rap de l'Europe de l'Est
13. Sous un Soleil de Plomb
Country: France
Year: 2010

Mere om: Khalifrat


Rude Hi-Fi & Barriobeaterz - La Conexión

Info: La Conexion er en eksplosion af rytmer, samples, fest og holdninger fra italienske dj Rude Hi-Fi, der ikke mindst har ladet sig inspirere af The Clash, men også af alle mulige dansable latinamerikanske genrer på dette særdeles underholdende kludetæppe af et dobbeltalbum.

Hip hop, cumbia, mash-up, reggae, rock. Og meget mere til....

Info: La conexión is a explosion of rhythms, samples, partying and attitudes from Italian dj Rude Hi-Fi, who not least has been inspired by The Clash, but also by all kinds of danceable Latin American genres in this highly entertaining mosaic of a doublealbum .

Hip hop, cumbia, mash-up, reggae, rock. And lots more ....

CD 1:
2. RODIGAN SKANK feat.senor Matanzas
3. NIENTE MINKIA CACATA feat.Don Skal/Aretuska
4. INNA EUSKADI YARD feat. BadSoundSystem
10. WELCOME TO THE GAME feat Fermin Muguruza
11. JUNGLE REGGAE PARTY feat Lucky Hernan
12. LASCIA CHE SIA feat Amparo Sanchez
13. CLASS WAR feat Matahary
15. MALCHA´ feat Willy Fuego y Matahary
16. TOMATE UNA COPA feat Chalart 58
18. GUNZ OF ROMA feat Banda Bassotti

CD 2
1. SANTO PRECARIO BarrioKatz balkan cumbia rmx
2. NO MAN IS ILLEGAL rude rmx
4. PUERCOS Y GANGSTERS feat Junior Murvin .rude rmx
6. EVOLUTION ROCK feat Che Sudaka
8. IGUANA GOT FEVER Fatboy skin rmx
9. MESTIZO KINGS rude rmx
10. SANGRE POR SANGRE feat Cypress Hill –
11. COME DUB MY SOUL rude rmx
14. FI DI GALS DEM rude rmx
15. RED EYES feat shabba ranx - rude rmx
16. PIRATE SATELITE Irun City Rockers rmx
17. OUTRO RUDE BOY SKIT ….in memory of joe strummer

Country: Italy
Year: 2009

Mere om: Rude Hi-Fi


Commandantes - Lieder für die Arbeiterklasse

Info: Hvorfor Graa Blog ikke for længe siden har anbefalet Lieder für die arbeiterklasse, er lidt en gåde. For tyske Commandantes rockversioner af11 klassiske socialistiske kampsange er forrygende. Og får Graa Blog til at knytte næven højt i luften....

Kamprock på tysk med fuld patos.

Info: Why Graa Blog not long ago has recommended ‘Lieder für die arbeiterklasse’ is somewhat of a mystery. German Commandantes’ 11 rock versions of classic socialist battle songs are terrific. And makes Graa Blog clench the fist high in the air ....

Combat Rock in German with full pathos.

1. Halt Stand Rotes Madrid
2. Die Arbeider Von Wien
3. Auf Auf Zum Kampf
4. Brüder Zur Sonne Zur Freiheit
5. Einheitsfrontlied
6. Des Geyers Schwarzer Haufen
7. Bella Ciao
8. Der Rote Wedding
9. Sacco & Vancetti
10. Venceremos
11. Solidaritätslied
12. Bandiera Rossa

Country: Germany
Year: 2004

Download (thanx to Flatulenzblog)
(pw: flatulenzblog)

VA - Global Unity Music

Info: ‘Global Unity Music’ fanger sådan set meget Graa Blogs ånd med ønsket om at dele musik fra hele verden med alle mennesker. Med 22 numre kommer der et mangfoldigt og varieret album ud af samlingen, der især vil appellere til et guitarorienteret publikum.

Punk, ska, skapunk, rock på mange sprog.

Info: Global Unity Music quite captures the spirit of Graa Blogs with the desire to share music from around the world with all people. With 22 tracks there will be a diverse and varied album out of the collection, which especially will appeal to a guitar-oriented audience.

Punk, ska, skapunk, rock in many languages.

01 Dead End Job - The World
02 Dancehall Satan - Nazi Spaceship
03 Joey Terrifying - National Insecurities
04 The Dumpers - Same Time, Same Place...be There!
05 Offbeat Heroes - Negativity
06 Officer Down - What It Takes
07 Resolution 242 - Bullets In The Ground
08 Kung Fu Devils - Straight Outta Dildocore
09 Ghetto Blaster - Strapped With Bombs
10 Stupid Stupid Henchmen - Dual Monotone Thoughts
11 Beng Beng Cocktail - Gone Saccharine Gone
12 Unarmed Riot - Enslaved And Misled
13 The Poseurs - Sekta
14 Dead Subverts - You Call This Civilization
15 Mafafi - I Thought So, He Was Trying To Steal My Brick
16 The Disadvantaged - Christ Corp
17 Posero - Matanza
18 The Low Four - Get Outta My Way
19 Buff - No To Vivisection
20 No Glory - My Enemy
21 Cap A Capo - Australian Identity
22 Niño Zombi - D.I.Y.

Country: international
Year: 2009

Mere om: Global Unity Music

VA - Rote Hilfe... der sampler

Info: Det 11. indlæg i 2011 og post nr. 111 på Graa Blog fortjener denne helt nye suveræne solisampler, der i al sin forskellighed og med et klart budskab vil tiltale de fleste med interesse for politisk musik. Udgivet af altid udmærkede Fire & Flames til støtte for den hæderkronede tyske solidaritets- og fangeorganisation Rote Hilfe - og med et væld af kendte kunstnere fra det meste af Europa, incl. danske The Movement. En mangfoldig manifestation af sand soldaritet og et must-have!

Fra tysk oplæsning over rock, hip hop og til traditional Folk. Forvent det hele.

Info: The 11th post in 2011 and post No. 111 on Graa Blog deserves this brand new superb solisampler, which in all its diversity and with a clear message will appeal to all who are interested in political music. Published by the always excellent Fire & Flames in support of the illustrious German solidarity- and prisonersorganization Rote Hilfe - and with a host of wellknown artists from all over Europe, incl. Danish The Movement. A diverse manifestation of true soldaritet and a must-have!

From German recitation of rock, hip hop, electro, punk, ska and to traditional Folk. Expect it all.

1. Rolf Becker - Mit roter farbe am 9. august
2. Franz Josef Degenhardt - Lied für die ich es sing
3. Microphone Mafia - Say what
4. Irie Révoltés - Resistencia
5. Kettcar - Alles vorstellen (keine Guillotine weit und breit)
6. ohne aus - Kleinbürgerlich
7. Rogue Steady Orchestra - Vorstadtfassaden
8. Brigada Flores Magon - Ras le murs
9. Özden Cicek - Özgürlük Mahkumlari (freiheit für die Gefagenen)
10. Jaques Palminger & the kings of Dubrock - Eurocopter
11. Juri Gagarin - Rabota
12. Kapelle Vorwärts! - Nein, Nein, Nein
13. Brixton Cats - Pour les Braves
14. Kurzer Prozess - Ruhe im Gericht
15. Keny Arkana - Réveillez-vous
16. The Movement- Truth is...
17. Coincidence / Esther und Edna Bejarano - To Sfaijo
18. ewo2 (das kleine elektronische weltorchester) - .... In dieser Zeit
19. Pól MacAdaim - If we don't help them now
20. Holger Kirleis - Schritt und Takt
Cd 2:
1. Streit und Kampf - Ernst Busch
2. Kai Degenhardt - Die Tötung
3. Gustav & die Trachtenkapelle Dürnstein - Soldat_in oder Veteran
4. Turbostaat - Am Ende einer Reise
5. Jeunesse Apatride - Souvenirs du passé
6. Die Goldenen Zitronen - Raus aus der Klasse, zurück in der Klasse
7. Bernadette La Hengst - Süsse Gefangenschaft
8. Lukas Sherfey - Spend my Days
9. Alec Empire - Kiss of death
10. Hanin Elias - Do you know!!!!!!!!!
11. saalschutz - Tonight we all gonna die
12. ZSK - Alles steht still
13. Mono & Nikitaman - Tiktak
14. Fermin Muguruza - Leonard Peltier Free! (remix)
15. Beatpoeten - "Wer macht geschichte?!"
16. Rosa Rauschen - Ketten bilden
17. Chaoze One and Lotta C - Edelweisspiraten sind treu
18. La Phaze - Le Corbeau
19. Obrint Pas - Viure
20. Chumbawamba - Bankrobber
Country: Germany
Year: 2010

Mere om: Rote Hilfe

No download, yet - but head straight for Fire & Flames and buy this awesome compilation for only 15 € (and if you only buy the cd, you can get the delivery for 2-3 €; check out this).