mandag den 27. september 2010

Rumble Militia - Destroy Fascism

Info: Heavy Metal og Graa Blog er en sjælden blanding, så her er undtagelsen, der bekræfter reglen. Tyske Rumble Militia er et af de få eksempler på et heavy band med en klar antifascistisk og antikapitalistisk dagsorden. Destroy Fascism er et Greatest Hits album, der samler op på bandets bedste numre fra anden halvdel af 1980'erne.

Så skal der headbanges. Klassisk heavy, mest på engelsk.

Info: Heavy Metal and Graa Blog is a rare blend, so here is the exception that confirms the rule. German Rumble Militia is one of the few examples of a heavy band with a clear anti-fascist and anti-capitalist agenda. Destroy Fascism is a Greatest Hits album, which brings up the band's best tracks from the second half of the 1980s.

Get ready for headbanging. Classic heavy with mainly English vocals.

1. Full Of Danger
2. Treason
3. Dead End Kids
4. Nuclear Warfare
5. Fright Or Stupidity
6. Rumble Attack
7. Full Of Commercial
8. Chile Under Pinochet
9. The Great Rock'N'Roll Swindle
10. Never Trust A Business Pig
11. Rise And Fight
12. Nazis Raus
13. Liebe
14. Bang 'Til Death
15. Can't Understand (Live)
16. Full Of Commercial (Live)
17. A.M.F. (Live)
18. No Nazis (Live)

Country: Germany
Year: 1991

Mere om: Rumble Militia


Heavydudes: Please see this as well....

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